الثلاثاء، 24 مايو 2016

the first Edifice "pylon" in the Temple second term

Excavations revealed and exploration operations since
Several Aoawam the presence of remnants of river port in front of the temple «sidewalk« or marina for boats
Nilo buried amid silt deposits
Nile over hundreds of centuries. In
Currently, we get through the «road
Rams «first edifice in percentage
This Ackmh gate, which has a width of 113 meters, which began construction during
Thirtieth Dynasty rule, about the fourth century BC, which has not been completed
Therefore it is not decorated decorations
This edifice opens onto a spacious patio surrounded by corridors of columns. In the midst of this
There are remnants of the patio booth built by King Nubian «Tahirqa» of the fifth Alosrh
Twenty leaving him only one column.
This column attracted the attention of residents of nearby villages
The crank in the Arab era Vholoh than just
The remnants of a column in percentage legend, P became this column
In the legend of Queen mandrel «Smnujomh»
Faceless, which was a giant, and said as if it
They inhabit the temple.
In fact, this kiosk was not only a place
Resting the priests of Amun, a boat carrying Almekdh
Which was a heavy weight
And on the left of the first edifice, built King
City a second Dynasty XIX
Three booths Trinity well and imitated in it
King Ramses III of the twentieth and the family
Build three chapels inside another building
The right of the first edifice and takes this building form
Microcosm of the Temple of the King of Egypt and Zine entrance
Statues of himself in the form of a god

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