الأحد، 30 أكتوبر 2022
جزء من رسالة الدكتورة هدير التصحيح ظهرت المعبودة "سخمت" في عصر الدولة القديمة بهيئة إمرأة ترتدي ردا َء طويل حابك , ذات رأس لبؤة وشعر مستعا َر طويل وفوق رأسها تاج قرص الشمس و الكوبرا الحامية وممسكة عالمة "عنخ" في يدها أليسرى , وهي الصورة التصويرية التي صورت بها علي مر العصور التاريخية القديمة , فكانت أشهر المعبودات اللواتي صورن علي هيئة سيدات لهن رؤوس لبؤات , بينما صّورت في عصور متأخرة في معبد "هيبس" بالواحة الخارجة علي هيئة مومياء جالسة برأس لبؤة علي رأسها تاج أتف ذو الريشتين , وظهرت خلف " بتاح " تحتضنه , وكذلك في هيئة لبؤة كاملة , كما صورت أيضاَ في أحيان أخري برأس تمساح . أو "عين رع" وأحياناَ أخري كانت " سخمت " تظهر مثل المعبود " مين " بيدها مرفوعة تلوح بسكين تعد المعبودة "سخمت" زوجة المعبود " بتاح" و أبنهما " نفرتم" وقد كونا الثالوث في منف منذ الدولة الحديثة , وفي الواقع جاء إقترانها بالمعبود" بتاح " بسبب قرب الموقع الجغرافي لمركز عبادتها بمنف حيث أنها شاركت زوجها وظائفه , وقد اعتبرت "سخمت" زوجة للمعبود "بتاح" منذ عصر األسرة الرابعة علي أقل تقدير , إن لم يكن قبل ذلك , وهو ما تشير إليه نقوش ومناظر " تلك القطعة التي عثر عليها عند الهرم األكبر بالجيزة في معبد " أبو الهول " وترجع لعهد الملك "خوفو" , والذي سجلها مارييت . " في كتابه " مجموعة أثار متنوعة من
تقاة من مصر والنوبة "Mariette عرفت المعبودة "سخمت" ِكإلهة للحرب تصاحب الملك في غزاوتة لتثير الرعب في نفوس األعداء , كما أعتبرت إلهة تعافي من األمراض ألنها عين الشمس المدمرة التي تهاجم القوي الشريرة والتي كان يقام لها الطقوس إلرضائها ؛ كما تعمل "سخمت" أيضاَ علي تحديد الفترة الزمنية الواقعة ما بين العام القمري )563 يوم( والسنة الشمسية )563 يوم( فخاللها كانت تثير الرعب والهلع في قلوب شعب مصر بواسطة وحوشها الكاسرة الشرسة التي تنطلق مهاجمة لمصر , وذلك وفقا لما تقوله األسطورة التي تتناول قصة صراع "ست وأوزير" وإيماء لدورها في مجال الطقوس الجنائزية , وسميت أحياناَ برية الثدي . والشعر المنسدل كانت معبودة الشفاء , كذلك يستدل من بردية " وستكار" بمتحف برلين في الجزء الخاص بوالدة ملوك األسرة الخامسة أنها كانت أيضاَ معبودة الحمل والوالدة , وقد عبدت المعبودة "سخمت" في إقليم منف منذ فترة طويلة قبل أن تظهر باعتبارها "محبوبة بتاح" , وقد ظهرت في المعابد الجنائزية لملوك الدولة القديمة )األسرة الخامسة – سا حو رع – أبو صير( , كما قدست . سيدة عنخ )حياة( األرضين ( tAwy anx nbt"(سخمت"
الخميس، 26 مايو 2016

thesixth pylon of karnak temple

The remains of the small edifice sixth built by Tuthmosis III sandstone and dubbed the "Great Homeland edifice" and called on the entranceway made from granite stone the name of the "great gate (called) from the news of Ra (the name of the coronation of King Thutmose III) loved Amon great in his greatness or his status." . Tuthmosis III, has set up two showrooms yearbooks after the sixth straight edifice we find on both sides of the first hall courtyards north and south by the remnants of chapels set up by Amenhotep I, Thutmose III renewed

the fifth pylon of karnak temple

The remains of the edifice fifth demolished has been set up by Tuthmosis I also called the entranceway name "Amon and Rhevc" meaning "Amon great grandeur" and from there to Alosatin set up by Thutmose I also called it "Aont chipset" meaning "great hall" lounge was Osatinha with sixteen rib addition into the side columns Aloozyreh added Thutmose III small two rooms on both sides of the entrance to the edifice fifth.

the forth pylon of karnak temple

After the third edifice courtyard browser resided King Tuthmosis the first two obelisks which were in front of the edifice, which was the fourth most likely represents the entrance to the temple during his reign. Thutmose III also set up then obelisks in the same yard, leaving four of these obelisks is only one place in the temple of Karnak and the rest was transferred out of the country. The obelisk remaining belong to the king Tuthmosis I and reaches a height of 21.3 meters and weighing up to 143 tons and the three rows perpendicular texts East belongs to them to the owner of the obelisk of Thutmose I and Ramses IV added rows Gan began. There are views representing Ramses II at the base. We also note that the south wall of the third edifice entrance which it has added in the reign of Ramses IX‏.

He resided Tuthmosis first edifice fourth, which destroyed to a great extent and it represents the front of the temple during his reign. As also established Alosatin lounge following the edifice fourth straight and there was a belief that the cedar wood was the material used in the ceiling of this hall industry and Osatinha also held in a niche in the-the walls of the lounge Alosatin large statues representing King Tuthmosis the first in a robe "heb sed" time to dress the white crown, in the southern half of the Alosatin lounge and visits to dress red crown and then in the northern half of the lobby Alosatin‏.

the third pylon of karnak temple

The following are the colonnade, it is difficult for non-specialists to understand the composition Temple
Karnak, there was said to be the third gate of the temple during the reign of King Amenhotep
Third »of the Eighteenth Dynasty, but unfortunately it did not stay a little .
This portal now separates between the colonnade and a small courtyard and is bounded on the east side
Last monument «fourth edifice» was built in the reign of King Thutmose first

الأربعاء، 25 مايو 2016

the second Edifice "pylon" of karnak temple

Edifice has lost many of the stones, making it seemIn very poor condition, and adorns its entrance PettmthalinOf King Ramses II statue and only left themIn the left and reach a length of 15 meters and in percentage betweenThe legs of the statue there is a small statue of a girl fromGirls pharaoh wearing a crown with two feathers‏.As for the large hall will you make now areA forest of columns and length of each columnWhich in a percentage of 20 meters. And enter into the light of these pillarsHall through the windows located above the porchIts main, where fall wide sun to light upMagnificent landscapes carved on the walls and formedIt crowns the main portico columns on flower shapeLotus blooming due to the indulging in direct light While the crowns of the side columns and 122 columnsCapitals remain closed form of non-exposure to lightthe sun‏.Colonnade is the pride of King Seti I and his son Ramses workSecond «1212- 1279 BC» The length of the lobby of the columns in percentage 102 metersAnd presentation of 53 meters and contain 134 columns of the highest column in which the length of‏21 meters. On the walls of the colonnade, we can Not our gaze Baohaly inscriptionsMural from the Pharaonic era, the views of the king, which offers the Eucharist and leadsVarious rituals such as fumigation and disinfection in front of a good triad, there are inscriptions AcadiaDescribe the paragraphs of a celebration of OpetOf the most famous religious Alaanvalt whichImagine the transmission of Amun - Ra in processionMajestic in percentage of Karnak Luxor Temple

الثلاثاء، 24 مايو 2016

the first Edifice "pylon" in the Temple second term

Excavations revealed and exploration operations since
Several Aoawam the presence of remnants of river port in front of the temple «sidewalk« or marina for boats
Nilo buried amid silt deposits
Nile over hundreds of centuries. In
Currently, we get through the «road
Rams «first edifice in percentage
This Ackmh gate, which has a width of 113 meters, which began construction during
Thirtieth Dynasty rule, about the fourth century BC, which has not been completed
Therefore it is not decorated decorations
This edifice opens onto a spacious patio surrounded by corridors of columns. In the midst of this
There are remnants of the patio booth built by King Nubian «Tahirqa» of the fifth Alosrh
Twenty leaving him only one column.
This column attracted the attention of residents of nearby villages
The crank in the Arab era Vholoh than just
The remnants of a column in percentage legend, P became this column
In the legend of Queen mandrel «Smnujomh»
Faceless, which was a giant, and said as if it
They inhabit the temple.
In fact, this kiosk was not only a place
Resting the priests of Amun, a boat carrying Almekdh
Which was a heavy weight
And on the left of the first edifice, built King
City a second Dynasty XIX
Three booths Trinity well and imitated in it
King Ramses III of the twentieth and the family
Build three chapels inside another building
The right of the first edifice and takes this building form
Microcosm of the Temple of the King of Egypt and Zine entrance
Statues of himself in the form of a god

عربي باي